Wednesday, March 17, 2010

remember me?

Remember me, the girl whose bed you used to have side in and a pillow dedicated solely to you? Remember hugging me until my feet were off the ground and I had to gasp for air? Remember walking in the dark, me guiding you down the dirt path so that you could look up at the meteor shower falling all around us? Remember the bite wars and the fake name calling? Remember flipping off the camera while sneaking into the country club hot tub late at night? I do. I was the girl who took your ecstasy virginity and you were the guy who danced with me down DP and squeezed my fingers on the beach. I was the girl who gave you stupid temporary tattoos and you were the boy who actually wore them, in visible spots I might add.

I was the girl who waited patiently for a month for you while you did your thing in Australia and yet you were the boy who couldn't wait for me while I was home for Christmas for a week. You were the boy who wouldn't tell me why we weren't together while I tortured myself trying to think of reasons for our disconnect. How could a few days change your mind about me so much? Even right now, I try to come up with reasons but remain clueless. Was it something I did? Was it something you felt? Was it someone else?

Didn't it torture you too? Doesn't it hurt you to not talk to the person you liked so much? Doesn't it feel weird to be in the same town and not sleep together at least one night a week? Don't you miss our funny text conversations? Don't you miss me?

to be continued... maybe.

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